Drug & Alcohol Treatment Program

We use an individualized case management process as part of our drug & alcohol treatment program to ensure effective recovery and support, as it helps to attend to our client's individual needs. Crossroad Wellness helps you to find what you are looking for, as we believe in the betterment of our client. To understand our client properly, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of each individual's history. The history helps to structure an individualized treatment recovery program.

Our program includes personal counseling one to one, reflective writing assignments, group activities, value systems, Behavior change, physical activities, indoor games etc that create an atmosphere where clients develop self esteem and rediscover themselves and find a confidence about living life without substance misuse.

Not Only About Addiction

Treating addiction is an essential part of our program. Crossroad Wellness not only treats addiction and alcoholism, but also treats those suffering from depression, anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive disorder, Bipolar etc. Thus through administering required medication and counseling they are able to deal with the disorders, rediscover themselves and overcome the loss they had during their addiction days, it can be self-esteem, self-worth, etc. Crossroads Wellness turns around, a addicted member of the family into a contributing & participating member, standing by them in the whole process.

Crossroad Wellness is a Home

The main aim of Crossroad Wellness is to enable clients to find themselves by creating a homely, encouraging and tranquil environment for them. We believe, after the pain and misery of abuse and detox, our client deserves the best. To gain peace and relaxation, we provide a serene and comfortable environment so they can feel like their home.

Family Support

The disease of addiction affects the addicts’ whole family, because of their substance abuse, the family feel helpless & lost, which is why, might be they tend to take the wrong decision. We at Crossroad Wellness, assist family members to participate in the process of treatment from the beginning, as we know family support plays an essential role. We educate the families on various issues related to the addiction of alcohol and drugs and also provide them with the tools to manage various family dynamics. In crossroad wellness, this is a vital part of the whole recovery process.