
An addiction is a chronic disease that damages the brain of a person. It’s about the way our body craves a substance or some behavior even though it can cause various problems in our life. people who experience any kind of addiction are often unable to stay away from the substance/behavior, they lack emotional response and dismiss how their behavior might be causing problems to their family members and friends. Considering treatment under a good rehab becomes necessary at some point. Crossroad Wellness is one of the best rehabilitation centers in Pune, where you can get treatment for all kinds of addictions.

Addiction can happen to anyone and anything like drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, shopping, eating, internet, gaming, or any other behavior. Mental disorders like anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, and OCD can also trigger a person to fall into the trap of addiction


Recognizing signs of addiction is important. Most signs of addiction relate to a person’s impaired ability to maintain self-control. This includes changes that are:

  • Social, such as seeking out situations that encourage a substance or behavior
  • Behavioral, such as increased secrecy
  • Health-related, such as insomnia or memory loss
  • Related to personality.

Someone with addiction won’t stop their behavior, even if they recognize the problems the addiction is causing. In some cases, they’ll also display a lack of control, like using more than intended. This is when considering treatment becomes important. We have one of the best rehabs in Pune and we work for the same cause.

Some behavior and emotional changes associated with addiction include:

  • Unrealistic or poor assessment of the pros and cons associated with using substances or behaviors
  • Blaming other factors or people for their problems
  • Increased levels of anxiety, depression, and sadness
  • Increased sensitivity and more severe reactions to stress
  • Trouble identifying feelings
  • Trouble telling the difference between feelings and the physical sensations of one’s emotions

If you think that someone in your family is showing any of these signs, make sure you talk to them and get them under treatment if they are going through any kind of addiction. Crossroad Wellness is one of the best Deaddiction centers in Pune that serve patients and help them get their old life back.

What are the stages?

Addiction will often play out in stages. Your brain and body’s reactions at the early stages of addiction are different from reactions during the later stages.

The four stages of addiction are:

  • Experimentation :Uses or engages out of curiosity

  • Social or Regular : : Uses or engages in social situations or for social reasons

  • Problem or Risk : Uses or engages extremely with disregard for consequences

  • Dependency : Uses or engages in behavior daily, or several times per day, despite possible negative consequences.




An addiction is a chronic disease that damages the brain of a person. It’s about the way our body craves a substance or some behavior even though it can cause various problems in our life. people who experience any kind of addiction are often unable to stay away from the substance/behavior, they lack emotional response and dismiss how their behavior might be causing problems to their family members and friends. Considering treatment under a good rehab becomes necessary at some point. Crossroad Wellness is one of the best rehabilitation centers in Pune, where you can get treatment for all kinds of addictions.

Addiction can happen to anyone and anything like drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, shopping, eating, internet, gaming, or any other behavior. Mental disorders like anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, and OCD can also trigger a person to fall into the trap of addiction

Best De-addiction and Rehabilitation